Oolong Tea Tour
Oolong is typically a type of tea less known in the US, or if Americans have tried it, it’s from a low quality tea bag at a restaurant. This is unfortunate because oolongs are some of the most complex, delicious teas in the world of tea. Many of our staff rank oolongs as some of their favorite teas. Come discover why we love them so much and learn:
During the class, you’ll taste 5-6 teas and learn how to make tasting notes for each one. The class is 1-1 ½ hours and will take place at the tea bar. The cost is $30 and includes treats.
Tea classes can also be arranged for larger groups during the day at off-site locations or after hours at the Kirkland shop. To reserve a date, call 425-250-6878 or email expert@lizzykate.com with the number of people and preferred date.
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