Lavender Bouquet

Lavender Bouquet

  • 1225

This herbal infusion is a beautiful, colorful blend of blossoms highlighted with blue, purple and red. The steeped infusion has a light body swirling with the flowery lavender and orange blossoms plus the honey-like aroma of linden tree blossoms and the aromatic lemon balm.

This brews to a fine orange-yellow color in the cup with a balanced floral taste experience. Great for evenings or anytime you want something without caffeine.

Caffeine Content: None

Ingredients: apple pieces, silver linden blossoms, lemon balm, lavender, rose petals, sweet blackberry leaves, orange and mallow blossoms

Water Temperature: 212° F
Steep time: 7-10 minutes
Suggested serving size: 1 tbsp/8oz of water

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