Who is LizzyKate?
Posted by Amy R at
As you can imagine, it’s difficult to come up with a unique, memorable name for your business. We decided early on that we didn’t want “tea” in the name in case we expanded into other products and tea become part of a bigger mix.
We also felt like a lot of tea companies have masculine names and we wanted a feminine, yet modern name. So we took two classic names, Elizabeth and Katherine, and modernized them to make LizzyKate. But there’s a little more background to the story. Which version do you think is the real one?

- LizzyKate is named after British royalty (Queen Elizabeth and the Duchess Kate).
- LizzyKate recognizes that we have LOTS of Elizabeths and Katherines in our family (including: Elizabeth Katherine, Katherine Elizabeth, Amy Elizabeth, Elizabeth Ann, Ann Elizabeth, Elizabeth Eugenie, etc.)
The truth is that it's a combination of both of the above but more #2. Elizabeth and Katherine are special names to us in many ways, and we like how the modern twist on these traditional names makes a fun name for our modern take on the traditional world of tea.